Câu 11: A.








Read the following passage and mark the letter a, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate

the correct answer to each of the questions

Did you know that your small intestine is nearly six meters long? Or that there are about 60

muscles in your face, and you use 40 of them to


but only 20 to smile? How about the fact

that our bodies consist of 73 percent water, and that our hearts beat over 100,000 times each day?

You really are amazing!

The human body is a complex machine. From the day we are born, our bodies grow and

change in response to our environment, diet, and habits. The body has many different organ

systems and parts that work together to allow us to breathe, move, see, talk, and digest food all

at the same time. Most of the time we are unaware of what is happening in our bodies, usually it

is only when we get sick or feel pain that we notice.

Many people do not take care of their complex machines. Bad habits like smoking, drinking

too much alcohol, and eating junk food damage our bodies. Stress can also cause health

problems. People who worry a lot or have busy jobs often don't get enough sleep, or don't eat

properly. We also can damage our bodies when we play sports or get into accidents. Studies

done by the Australian government show that most people get hurt because of an accidental slip

or fall, or because of injuries from car accidents. It's true that a lot of people go to hospital

because of serious illnesses, but far more people end up there because they simply weren't being


Like machines, different body parts sometimes

wear down

from old age. People over the

age of 65 are more likely to fall and hurt themselves. And these injuries - from bad cuts to

broken bones - usually require serious medical attention. Due to the increase in the population

of elderly people, gerontology is now one of the fastest growing areas of medicine. There are

many treatments available to help older people recover from illness and injury. It is now

common for older people with damaged joints, for example, to have surgery to replace the old

joint with a new one made of plastic or metal. Instead of suffering aches and pains through their

retirement days, older people are able to lead happier and more comfortable lives.

As with any machine, the better you take care of it, the longer it will last. The best way to

take care of your amazing machine is to eat the right foods, do regular exercise, and get enough

sleep. Oh, and don't forget to smile!