Câu 42: Why does the author mention young men from local villages?

A. To prove that slaves did not build the Great Pyramid.

B. To compare the young men to experienced workers.

C. To point out the strength of the workers.

D. To suggest that workers were paid a lot of money.

Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Biorobotics is a field within robotic science which is based on the movements of living things. The

most famous biorobots look and move a lot like humans. However, there are several robots that have been

made to mimic animals. While many companies develop such robots as toys, some are used for practical


One example of a biorobot is a flying robot that is based on the movements of bees. The robot,

named "Carlton", was developed by the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence. Built to both

light and powerful, it can hover like a bee in tight spaces, and also change direction without losing speed.

This robot's abilities make it very useful for military and police research and rescue missions. For example,

Carlton can hide behind a tall wall, rise up to quickly look at what is on the other side, and then hide again. It

can also send video images of what it sees to soldiers in a safe location far away.

"Modsnake" is a robot that was modeled on snakes. This robot was developed by the Camegie

Mellon University Biorobotics Lab. It is made to move like a snake, so it can pass through narrow spaces,

move over all sorts of obstacles, climb poles, and even swim. The way Modsnake moves makes it useful for

a variety of tasks such as checking for survivors in collapsed buildings, finding damaged areas inside of

pipes and cleaning up oil spills in lakes and rivers.

A third robot, based on cockroaches, also has several uses. "Sprawl" was designed by a research team

at Stanford University to take videos and cover small objects. Like many six-legged robots Sprawl was made

to move like an insect. However, Sprawl is uncommonly fast and strong for its size, just like a real

cockroach. These characteristics make it particularly useful for military situations in which an enemy might

try to disable it. It is very difficult to shoot because it moves quickly and is relatively small. Even if an

enemy shoots Sprawl, it can usually keep functioning