8. Ba will be a ...artist one day. (fame) Question 3: Read the article and choose the letter next to the word that best fits each space. Teen Travel club If you are aged 16,17,18 or 19 and would like to be able to afford to go ....(1).... more often, why not join the Teen Travel Club and get cheaper bus travel. To join all you have to ...(2) to fill in a form and take it to your nearest bus station. You will also need to produce your birth certificate and passport-sized photograph of yourself. You will be given a free Teen Travel membership card which will allow you to ...(3)... at a reduced cost. Once you are a member of the Teen Travel Club you can ....(4)... tickets at any bus station, post office or rail ticket office. Each ticket you buy is devided ....(5)...10 parts; when you get ....(6)... the bus you put the ticket into a special machine which will then stamp one part. The tickets last as long as you like and it doesn't matter how long it ...(7) to use up all the journeys. However, you must remember to take you membership card with you when you use your ticket otherwise you may have to pay the full ....(8)...if your ticket is checked.