8. Experience: secretary for 2 yearsQuestion 2. Read the passage and answer the questions. (3 pts)Wales has a population of about three million. English is the main language and only twenty percent speak both Welsh and English. Every year in August there is a Welsh-speaking Festival. It takes place in a different town each year so everyone has a chance to go for it. Local people spend years making plans for the festival when it is organized in their town. Each Festival is attended by about 160,000 people. They travel not only from nearby town and villages but also from the rest of the British Isles and even from abroad. There are concerts, plays and competitions to find the best singers, poets, writers, and so on. Shops sell Welsh music, books, pictures and clothes as well as food and drink. The Festival provides the chance for Welsh-speaking people to be together for a whole week, with the Welsh language all around them.