8. a. every b. One c. SomeQuestion7: Fill in each blank with one suitable wordI’ll never ……the night our car broke down. We were on our …….home after amarvelous evening out with some friends .It was well after midnight and we still milesaway from home. We tried to get the engine started again, but ……vain. There was notraffic on the road at ……., so we couldn’t get a lift and had to walk all the way home. Tomake matter ……, it stared to rain and by the time we arrived, we were wet through. Butworse was yet to come! It was then that we discoed that we had left our front door key inthe ……….. We had,…….choice but to break a window and climb in. Unfortunately, just we weredoing this, a police car stopped in the road. At first, the police didn’t believe our story, butin the,……, we convinced him that we were telling the truthQuestion8: Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown