10. Why are you so angry … it?Question VIII: Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word (10 Marks)One of the features of London is the __1__ of big stores, most of __2__ are to be found in or near the West End. They are vast buildings, many storeys high; in them you may buy __3__ anything you want, from a box of matches to a suite of furniture. Most of them are very modern and are equipped with lifts and escalators. If you have been in the store so long __4__ you feel hungry, you will not need to leave the building, for nearly all the big stores have cafe’, snack bars or restaurants. You can __5__ up a friend from a telephone - box and you may call at the theatre agency to book a seat __6__ an evening show; or you may drop into the travel department and arrange for a holiday in Wales or Western, Australia. __7__ you feel homesick you will be able to get a newspaper or a magazine from your __8__ country at the newspaper counter, and in the book department you will be __9__ to buy the complete works of William Shakespeare or __10__ latest thriller.Question IX: Read this text about business opportunities in Vietnam then choose the best sentence from A – G to fill in each of the gaps (There are two sentences extra). (5 Marks)A. All of these offer large markets for any product produced in Vietnam.B. A large number of them are small, privately owned companies.C. The next thing is to write a letter (no fax, e-mail or phone calls).D. This means that it can reach customers not only in Indo- China but in the other ASEAN nations.E. The first impression may be the last impression so you must be very precise and very specific.F. Vietnam’s industry could be somewhat like that of Taiwan in a few years’ time.G. Remember, too, that business is best done through human contact, not by machines.BUSINESS OPPORTUNITITES IN VIETNAM Business opportunities in Vietnam are enormous. The rate of growth here is among the highest in the world. It reaches all sectors of the economy and is likely to accelerate in the future.Vietnam is well-placed for economic development, because it is part of ASEAN. __1__ . It is fortunate, too, to be surrounded by countries with large population, e.g. China, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand. __2__ . The opportunities for business abound, but remember that the first are always rewarded with the best chances of getting quality business contacts. __3__ . So, the best thing to do to start with is to select contacts with companies similar to your own, and companies which you consider could be interested in your line of products or services. __4__ . In the letter, present yourself and the products you deal with in a clear and simple manner. __5__ . The chances of getting a reply are more than if you had used other types of communication.………. The End ……….ANSWER KEYS AND MARKINGKey Question I (10 Marks)