1,200 sq km of water. Because of this, San Francisco was once the major Pacific Coast

seaport of the United States. Today the city is an important center for finance, technology,

tourism, and culture.


San Franciscans, and in some cases their counterparts in the Bay Area, have










Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the Bay Area Rapid Transit

system. Since at least the 1950s, San Franciscans have also earned a reputation for

tolerance of and respect for diversity.


The most serious social problems facing the city are not unique to San Francisco, but

some have taken on greater dimensions in the city than they have elsewhere. One such

problem is homelessness. From 1988 to 1992, the plaza in front of city hall became an

encampment for homeless people, rendering other use impossible and raising public

health concerns. The problem of homelessness persists despite the efforts of city agencies

and private charities to provide shelter, health care, and drug, alcohol, and mental health

treatment. In the mid-and late 1990s mayors Frank Jordan and Willie Brown both sought

to discourage homeless people from living in public space in the downtown area and, in

Brown’s case, in Golden Gate Park. However, residents of other areas complained that

because of these projects, the displaced homeless had moved into their neighborhoods.


In other areas the city has made some progress toward addressing social problems. As

was true across much of the nation, the crime rate in San Francisco dropped in the 1990s,

as did the rate of drug-related violence. In addition, some public housing projects in San

Francisco that were especially prone to violence and drug-related activity were razed and

rebuilt with designs considered less likely to encourage those activities. Other public

housing projects received stepped up security patrols.

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Some social critics have pointed to an increasing economic and social polarization of

San Francisco’s population. Those who work in finance or high-tech fields are

increasingly affluent, pushing rents and home prices to among the highest levels in the

nation. At the same time, people who labor in the service sector often work for the

minimum wage, cannot share the affluent lifestyles around them, and are hard-pressed to

afford rising rents. This economic polarization coincides in part with ethnic and

educational patterns. Workers in the low-wage end of the service sector are likely to have

limited English proficiency and a high-school education or less; many workers in those

areas are also disproportionately African American and Hispanic. By contrast, those

people who work in the finance and high-tech sectors are more likely to be white or Asian

American and to have one or more college degrees.

Question 1-5: The five paragraphs of the Reading Passage are lettered A-E.

Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs A-E from the list of headings below.

NB There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all.

List of headings