10. I have gone____computer games. They are not as interesting as before.

Part 2: Complete the following passage with prepositions.

It is not easy trying to cope with fear. Most people (11) _______ some stage

in their lives feel afraid of something; fear of the dark as children, afraid of

spiders or flying. For the most part, these fears are normal and do not

interfere (12)_______ our ability to get on with our lives.

However, some people are afraid of something (13) _______ such an extent

that it prevents them from leading a normal life. For example, 'electrophobia'

- being afraid of electricity - makes life in today's world extremely difficult.

In fact, you can be afraid of anything and there is almost certainly a name

for it. You can be afraid of clouds, certain colors, bicycles, rain, mushrooms

and even sitting down. Apparently, the list of phobia gets longer everyday,

but for people who have a real terror of something, help is

(14) _______ hand. Researchers are making enormous progress (15)

_______ understanding what a phobia is and what makes it come

(16) _______ .

It is surprising how many people think they suffer from a phobia when

actually all they are really experiencing is a strong dislike or distaste (17)

_______ something.

You may think you are computer phobic and want to throw your machine

out of the nearest window. But that is not the same as being really

'mechanophobic', suffering from a racing heart and being short of breath (18)

_______ the mere sight of a computer.

Experts say that you cannot take a true phobia (19) _______ anything else as

it affects the whole of your nervous system. If you cannot run away from

whatever is causing the fear, you feel that is inevitable. On the other hand,

it's natural for most people to be afraid if they are aboard an airplane which

is flying into a storm. Most psychologists agree that phobias can be

described (20) _______ three main ways: social phobias, panic disorders and

specific phobias.


Passage 1

Although noise, commonly (l) _______ as unwanted sound, is a widely

recognized form of pollution, it is very difficult to measure because the

discomfort (2) _______ by different individuals is highly subjective and,

therefore, variable. Exposure to lower levels of noise may be (3)

_______ irritating, whereas exposure to higher levels may actually cause(4)

_______ loss. Particularly in congested urban areas, the noise

produced (5) _______ a by-product of our advancing technology causes

physical harm, and detracts from the quality of life for those who are

exposed to it.

Noise causes effects that the hearer cannot control and to (6) _______ the

body never becomes accustomed. Loud noises instinctively signal danger (7)

_______ any organism with a hearing mechanism, including human

beings. (8) _______response, heartbeat and respiration accelerate, blood

vessels constrict, the skin pales, and muscles tense. In fact, there is a general

increase in functioning (9) _______ about by the flow of adrenaline release

in response to fear, and some of these responses persist even longer than the

noise, occasionally as long as 30 minutes (10) _______ the sound has


Passage 2

Unlikely (11) _______ it may seem, there has now been expert confirmation

that wild pumas and lynxes are at (12)_______ in parts of Britain, rather

than being the figments of some wild imaginations. Previous sightings of

such large cats had been put (13) _______ to exaggeration. After all, the

argument went, some people are prone to seeing flying saucers and Loch

ness monsters, particularly when under the influence of one drink. Some

newspapers were suspected of having made up stories such as (14)

_______ of the Beast of Exmoor, an animal that is responsible for the deaths

of hundreds of sheep over the past ten years. (15) _______ experts have now

come up with proof that such stories were in earnest after all. The animals

are in all (16) _______ pets which have escaped from small zoos, or been

abandoned by their owners. Because the keeping of such animals is severely

restricted under the (17) _______ of the Dangerous Wild Animal Act of