10. It was a complete ………….. due to poor planning.


Question 5: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each of the

questions. (5 points)

Linh says that all of her friends have a cell phone, but her mom doesn't want to buy

her one. Linh's mom doesn't want Linh to play video games either. What is more, the

Internet scares her. Linh's mom says, “If Linh has a cell phone, how do we know whom she

is talking to? Video games are bad for you. The Internet is dangerous and uncontrolled. It’s

like having a gun in the house. We should just ban her from using the computer, and I'm not

buying her a cell phone until she is eighteen. This is the only way we can be sure that Linh

is safe."

Linh’s dad disagrees with Linh's mom. Although he agrees that there are some

dangers to it, he likes the Internet, and finds it to be very useful. “The trouble is,” he says,

“We just can’t stop Linh from using the Internet, as this would put her at a disadvantage.

What is more, I like video games. I think that, when played in moderation, they are fun.

Obviously, it is not good to play them without restraint or self-control. Finally, I think Linh

needs a cell phone. We can’t take these things away.”