Câu 35: A. prejudice B. knowledge C. mindset D. judgment

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct

answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

According to recent scientific theory, it is probable that life will develop on planets that have a favorable

environment - planets similar to ours, that orbits stars like our sun. Since there are about 400 billion stars in our

galaxy alone, that means there are a huge number of planets like ours that could sustain life. Planets with

advanced civilizations are likely to be widely scattered throughout the universe. In the past four decades, humans

on Earth have begun to search for these civilizations. This search is called SETI, the Search for Extra-Terrestrial

Intelligence, and it has been conducted largely by searching for radio waves emitted from civilizations on other


In 1960, Dr. Frank Drake made the first attempt at SETI, by conducting a radio search using an 85-foot

antenna of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in West Virginia. This search, called Project Ozma,

observed two stars about 12 light years away. Since that time, more than 60 searches have been conducted by

dozens of astronomers in at least eight countries.

All searches, thus far, have faced many limitations: they used equipment that lacked sensitivity, they did not

search frequently, they covered little of the sky, or they could search for only a few types of signals or in a few

directions. The searches did turn up signals of unknown origin, but data collected in these searches were often

processed long after the observation. In order to be sure that a signal is from another civilization, it has to be

independently verified and shown to originate from a point beyond the solar system. Later searches for the

unknown signals turned up nothing.

Project Phoenix, the latest SETI, is more comprehensive than any of those previous experiments and proves to

overcome all these problems. Project Phoenix uses the world’s largest antennas. This allows it to scrutinize the

regions around 1,000 nearby Sun-like stars, and immediately test candidate signals. It is important that Project

Phoenix continue to be upgraded, because radio interference from Earth sources is growing, and may soon

interfere with our ability to detect possible extra-terrestrial signals. In order to overcome this growing

interference, ever better antenna systems are being developed.