30.”Is Hoang the best student in your group?”

“Yes. Why don’t you talk to him? He_________ be able to help you.”



C. can

D. would

Read the following two passages and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to each

of the questions.

The first English settlers in America soon discovered that they had to learn to make the

best of indigenous foods. They had brought wheat and rye seeds with them, but these

were difficult to grow in fields still tufted with tree stumps after the colonists’ amateurish

clearing operations. Com, on the other hand, was easy.

From the North American Indian they learned not only how to grow it but how to cook it

in a dozen simple and enjoyable ways – as porridge, flatbread, and as a kind of frumenty.

They were pleased, too, to recognize their friend, the turkey (the Indians’ furkee).

From the Indians the settlers discovered not only what was edible but how to cook it. One

example is the seacoast clambake, a way of cooking clams and corn. Another cooking

Caribbean where the Carib Indians salted and smoke-dried meat over a fire of animal

hides, a technique they called boucan.