105. admission

110. childish


Answer key: 10pts

When it comes to the study of the English language, Crystal David enjoys cult state ( status).

He has

written a number of entertaining books for ( on)

the subject and he is a frequent guest on radio. Over

next ( over the next)

begin ( begin with)

his latest and most succ

mother tongue speakers and foreign learners like ( alike)

; why is English spelling so absurdly

difficult? The story of English spellings is essentially the story of a system originally which ( which

originally) was very regular and very phonetic, you know, you could read Old English very, very

easily indeed, the language of the Anglo Saxons. But then, progressively, over sequent ( subsequent)

centuries various people messed it up. Along come the French in 1066 and they mess it up, introducing

all kinds of French spellings for ( into)

the Germanic system. A couple of centuries ago ( later)

along come the printers and they mess it up a bit, adding new conventions there. Then along com the

classical language enthusiasts who introduce lots of Latin spellings and they mess it up, and so it goes

on and on and on, with new layers of complexion ( complexity)

being added to an originally very