35. The inconsiderate driver was ... for parking his vehicle in the wrong place.

A. inflicted B. harassed C. condemned D. confined

Part 2: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the column on

the right. (0) has been done as an example.


A recent report has warned of global food (0) shortages (SHORT) unless the current system of farming and

food distribution is changed. The report highlights fears that currently rapid increases in yields come at the

expense of sustainability, and that unless action is taken, hunger and (36) malnutrition (NUTRIENT) will

become growing problems.

There port also considers the billion people worldwide who (37) overeat (EAT) and are therefore obese to be

another (38) exemplary (EXAMPLE) failure of the current system to provide health and (39) well-being (BE) to

the world's population.

The authors believe that the application of new technologies can play a role in minimizing future lacks of food,

They see cloning, nanotechnology and genetic (40) modification (MODIFY) as potential solutions. However,

although many of these technologies have been adopted worldwide, there is still (41) resistance (RESIST) to

their use in parts of Europe.

Part 3: The passage below contains 7 mistakes. UNDERLINE the mistakes and WRTTE THEIR

CORRECT FORMS in the space provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example.

There is a long-standing debate among  between users of “new media” and

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) about so-called “net neutrality” the idea that no-one should control the Internet).

Both sides claim to uphold what they call "Internet freedom", but it appears they have diverging views of exactly

which is meant by freedom but it appears they have diverging  divergent views of exactly which is meant by

freedom in this context.

For supporters of neutral neutrality, Internet freedom means equal, affordable access for  to whatever

online applications and content they choose. In contrast, the ISPs say a free Internet means that the industry

should be unimpeded by government oversight and that high- speed connections should be available for anyone

who can afford it  them.

The debate is over grown with so many much technical jargon that it hasn't attracted widespreading

widespread attention, but what's at stake are is nothing less than the future of the Internet. The issue,

essentially, is whether financial corporations become gatekeepers of online content and traffic, or whether small

independent organisations can access the new technology without restrictions. Whichever way it goes, the

outcome is likely to change the whole of popular culture.

Part 4 Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with suitable particles. Write your answers in the

corresponding numbered boxes. (0) has been done as an example.

0. He finds it hard to put up with the noise of the nearby factory.