5. Cane was transported

a. from the islands of the Southwest Pacific, to India, to Asia and then to Spain.

b. from the island of the Southwest Pacific, to the western areas of Asia and then to

the countries near the Mediterranean.

c. from India to the Southwest Pacific, to Asia, into Arabia and then to the

countries bordering the Mediterranean.

d. from India to Asia into Arabia and then to the countries on bordering the


III. Read the article below and put a cross on the letter next to the word that best

fits each space.

It was a Monday morning in the office and, as usual everyone was busy sorting

through their mail before starting work. The other staff had (1)………… that Nicky,

one of the computer operators, had been (2)………….. rather miserable recently and

they wondered what might have happened to make her so (3)………… . Suddenly

Nicky accidentally (4)………….. over a cup of coffee. Asshe was clearing up the

mess, the girl sitting next to her happened to glance at Nicky’s right hand. There was a

large swelling at the (5)……… . “What on earth have you (6) ………….. to

yourself? Does it (7) ………..?” asked the girl. “Yes, it does. I think you’d better go

and let the doctor (9)…………. It,” said the girl. “Let’s hope there’s no permanent

(10)………. To your hand.”

1 a. recognized

b. realized

c. noticed

d. identified

2 a. appearing

b. seeming

c. pretending

d. looking

3 a. sick

b. bored

c. uninterested

d. depressed

4 a. kicked

b. punched

c. hit

d. knocked

5 a. wrist

b. eblow

c. knee

d. ankle

6 a. made

b. done

c. happened

d. brought

7 a. harm

b. hurt

c. disturb

d. upset

8 a. injured

b. ruined

c. spoiled

d. destroyed

9 a. check

b. inspect

c. examine

d. investigate

10 a. pain

b. destruction

c. damage

d. suffering

IV. Fill in each gap in the passage below with one suitable word. Write the words

in the spaces on your answer sheet.

My friend Jones is not a very practical person. (1)……… along a main road

one dark night he suddenly had a flat (2)………….. Even worse he discovered that he

did not have a (3)……….wheel in the back of his car Jones waved to passing

cars and lorries, but no one of them (4)……….. Half an hour passed and he was

almost (5)……… despair. At (6)……… he waved to a car just like his

own. To his surprise, the car actually stopped and a well – dressed young woman got

out. Jones was terribly (7)………….. How could a person like this possibly help him?

The lady, however, offered him her own spare wheel, but Jones had to explain that he

had never (8)……… a wheel in his (9)………She set to work at (10)

……… and (11)………..the wheel in a few (12)……… while Jones

looked on in admiration.

V. Use the words to make sentences.