10.Write your answers in the space provided.The days when only men would hold management positions are over. (1)_____. Despite a slowingeconomy, the number of women in management has risen to 16% in 1995, when it used to be less than 9%. Oneresult of this tendency is that women are now more accepted in these roles, and it has also been found that womenin management ease tension and gender conflict in the workplace.A comprehensive nation-wide study of executive performance accidentally found that womenscoredhigherin almost allareasofperformanceevaluation, whilecompilinga large-scaleanalysisof425high-levelmanagers.(2)_____. They tendto workharder behindthescenes, whilemenprefertheglamorous,moreaggressive sideof management.Themasculineapproachismoresuitedtothetraditionalstyleofbusiness, wheretheboss would work alone andsimplydictate orders to his staff. Now, in the global information age, teamwork and partnership areincreasinglyimportant, and these are exactly the areas where women excel. (3)_____.Itmay bethatthe same qualities thatmake women moreeffectiveasmanagersare alsoholdingthemback.Most womengetstuckinjobs which involvehumanresourcesor publicrelations, whiletheirskills makethemhighlysuitable forthis typeof work. However,theposts intheseareasrarelyleadtothetop.Ambitiouswomenarefrustrated bythis,and manylefttostarttheir owncompanies.Another reason why womenareoverlookedforpromotionisthatmenareseenasmore dynamicandcompetitive. Womentendto workforthegoodofthe companyas awhole, whilemenarelooking outfor themselves. Some bosses may interpretthefeminineapproach asshowingalackofvision.A woman willoftenadoptthestrategyofmakingpeoplethinkthattheyaretheauthorsofnewideas, sothat theywillco-operate withher plan.Althoughthisis an effective way of achievingan objective,theresultisthatshe will losecredit forher creativity and innovation.Itis also surprising to learn thatthe greatestprejudiceagainst female bosses comes from womenthemselves.Ina recentGalluppoll, 70%ofmensaid thatthey wouldbepreparedtoacceptafemaleboss,comparedto66%ofwomen. (4)_____.Sincenearlyallbosses usedto bemale, womenfeelmorecomfortablebeing supervised byamanthanbyanother woman. Some women alsofeelthata malebossislessdemandingandhefeelsmorerelaxedaboutbeing inapositionof authority.Since womenhaveto workhardertoget tothetop,theyexpectmoreoftheirstaff when they get there.In conclusion, although more and more women are rising to higher positions, there are still many deep-rooted prejudices and double standards that keep them from achieving the very top positions. Companies may saythat they value interpersonal skills, but they still look for a leader who is decisive and a risk taker. (5)_____.Although women have proved that they are capable of leading a company, it seems that they will not get thechance to do so untilthey are prepared to start their own businesses.A. One possible reason for this is that of traditionB. Areas where women are particularly effective are in supporting their staff, and sharing informationC. More and more women are moving into top jobs in the USAD. Although women are not as decisive as men, they still play an important role in social workE. Although the number of women in middle management is on the increase, there are still few women running large companiesF. These qualities are perceived as being mainly masculineG. These positions are held by females*Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Complete the following statements by choosing A, B, C, or D.