Questions 41-50: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow by circling the corresponding

letter A, B, C or D of the correct answers. Mark your choice on the answer sheet.

Ragtime, developed primarily by black pianists, is a style of composed piano music that was popular from the

1890s to about 1915. It is a style of jazz characterized by an elaborately syncopated rhythm in the melody and a

steadily accented accompaniment. Ragtime quickly gained popularity after its first appearances, reaching millions

on a national scale through sheet music, player pianos, ragtime songs, and arrangements for dance and marching

bands. The leading ragtime composer was Scott Joplin, known as the "King of Ragtime," whose most famous

piano piece, "Maple Leaf Rag," was published in 1899.

Ragtime piano music has a generally standard form, duple meter (2/4, or two beats per measure) performed at a

moderate march tempo. The pianist's right hand plays a highly syncopated melody, while the left hand steadily

maintains the beat with an "oom-pah" accompanishment. A ragtime piece usually consists of several similar

melodies that take such forms as AA BB A CC DD or Introduction AA BB CC DD EE, where each letter

represents a melodic phrase. "Maple Leaf Rag" is a classic example of ragtime.

The forms of ragtime derive from European marches and dances, but the rhythms are rooted in African-American

folk music.

41. The author's main purpose in the passage is to______.

A. compare ragtime and jazz

B. criticize the compositions of Scott Joplin

C. show how ragtime is arranged

D. discuss the origine and elements of ragtime

42. Ragtime reached people nationwide through all of the following EXCEPT---.

A. compositions for orchestras

B. player pianos C sheet music

D. arrangements for marching bands

43. According to the passage, the letters A in AA and B in BB each represent_______.

A. march tempo

B. oom-pah accompaniment

C. a melodic phrase

D. syncopated melody

44. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of ragtime?

A. Fast march tempo

B. Sixteen-bar sections

C. Left-hand accompaniment

D. Highly syncopated melody

45. This passage would be part of required reading in which of the following courses?

A. African-American history

B. Music appreciation

C. Art history

D. Social studies

46. The word "elaborately" in line 3 is closest in meaning to

A. eloquently

B. simply

C. intricately

D. melodically 47 "Maple Leaf Rag" is _

A. the symbol of a country

B. a kind of tree

C. the name of a popular piano piece

D. the name of a famous guitar piece

48. Ragtime became popular________.

A. at the beginning of the 19th century

B. in the middle of the 19th century

C. in the middle of the 20th century

D. at the turning of the 20th century

49. In line 11, the word "maitains" may best be replaced by_______.

A. withholds

B. keeps

C. exaggerates

D. interrupts

50. Which of the following conclusions can be made from this passage?

A. Ragtime music is complex and hard to identify.

B. Ragtime was popular only with African Americans.

C. Ragtime has an early recognisable rhythm.

D. Ragtime is a completely different form of music than jazz.


