45. The old fishing village is very _________. ( picture )


I. Fill in each numbered space with one appropriate word .

Albert Einstein

Best known (46) _________ his Theory of Relativity, Albert Einstein has been

acknowledged (47) _________ one of the greatest scientists in human society. Born in

Germany in 1879, Einstein did (48) _________ in all his school subjects, with the (49)

_________of mathematics, which was his (50) _________ subject.

While (51) _________as a clerk in Switzerland, Einstein produced the Special Theory

of Relativity. This theory states that mass, length and time change depending on ( 52)

_________ a person looks at them. In 1915, Einstein published his General Theory of

Relativity. This new theory created a controversy (53) _________ many scientists did not

agree with him. In the end, simple experiments (54) _________ Einstein to be correct.

Einstein was (55) _________the Nobel Prize for his work in physics.

II. Read the passage below and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D

The loss of the jobs and persistent unemployment in the industrial countries is due

mainly to changes in technology. It is thought to be misleading to blame job losses on the

shift of corporations from the industrial countries to the Third World.

The present technological developments have been compared to a Third Industrial

Revolution. The first coming in the 19


century, was characterized by the steam engine and

the use of coal. In the 1920s the second emerged with the use of oil and the electro dynamo.

The third, the present one, is driven by computers, biotechnology and information technology.

However, there can be seen weaknesses in the newest of industrial revolutions. The

technology is advancing so fast and productivity is rising so fast that we are left with a big

problem.. Because of the loss in jobs, caused largely by this new, technology, there will not

be enough people with money to buy all these products.

Technology as definitely enhanced our standard of living, even our quality of life. But as

the capacity to produce expands and the lack of purchasing power and consequent demand

diminish, there can be overproduction and recession, and what happens to our standard of
