15. A. as soon as B. as far as C. as long as D. as much as Your answers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Part 2 (15 points). You are going to read an article in which four people describe their best teacher. For questions 1-15, choose from the people (A – D). The people may be chosen more than once.Which person had a teacher who…taught more than one member of the same family? 1.______might have wished their pupils to choose a different career? 2.______was popular with all the pupils? 3. ______had to overcome a disadvantage when teaching? 4. ______made contact after their pupils left school? 5. ______taught in an unusual physical position? 6. ______changed their pupils’ behavior? 7. ______became their teacher as a result of a personal contact? 8. ______developed their pupils’ physical and mental skills? 9. ______pointed their pupils in the direction of a successful career? 10. ______demonstrated a sense of humor? 11. ______decided what to teach by responding to their pupils’ interests? 12. ______showed what was necessary instead of talking about it? 13. ______was also doing another job? 14. ______put an emphasis on what pupils expressed, not the way they expressed it? 15. ______MY BEST TEACHERA‘Army’, he simply wrote across the bottom:Sandy Ross'You’ve just got to keep on writing.’ Those fewBrian Earle, my English teacher was a verywords of support had a fantastic effect on me inintense man with thick glasses, and the fact thatterms of wanting to write and be involved inhe taught a lot of his classes standing on his headwriting. Brian Earle had a love for teaching andwas also seen as extremely peculiar. He taughthis for just one year and it was probably one ofBthe most creative years of my life. He didn’tRajah IshtiakMy mother was an editor of Pakistan’s largestbelieve in giving marks for grammar ornewspaper and she knew and liked its librarian,punctuation; he implied that the mechanics ofAtif Burkhi. Atif was well-educated and when Iwriting were not important if you had somethingto say. When I wrote a short story for him calledwas about 12, my mother decided I should learnmore about the region’s history and she choseteaches you to control your anger and controlyour body. It is very good for your memory, co-Atif as my tutor. It turned out to be an inspiringordination and self-discipline. And you aremove. He would come to our house once a weekto teach me, from the end of school until supper.acquiring a philosophy. Later on, Park opened arestaurant and then moved back to Korea. WeHe took me through a lot of history, but after afew lessons I got bored. ‘I know you’re beinghad a very friendly relationship, but somehow Ifeel like I was a disappointment to him. Hepaid by my parents to teach me this stuff,’ I said,‘but there are other things in the world.’ He burstthought I had a future in the sport. But when Iwas 17, I decided it was not what I wanted to do.out laughing as he so often did and asked: ‘WhatPart 3 (10 points). Read the following passage do you want to talk about then?’ And so weand choose the best answer to each question.would discuss global issues and world literature.Madison Square Garden, a world-famousCsporting venue in New York City, has actuallyJennifer Pittbeen a series of buildings in varied locations ratherEveryone loved Miss Young. She taught methan a single building in one spot. In 1873, P.T.between the ages of 13 and 17 and wasBarnum built Barnum’s Monster Classical andinstrumental in my becoming an actress. SheGeological Hippodrome at the corner of Madisonknew I was interested in acting, but it just wasn’tAvenue and 26
Street, across from Madisonan option in my world. My father was a drivingSquare Park. Two years later, the bandleaderexaminer and I wasn’t exposed to acting as aPatrick Gilmore bought the property, added statuescareer. It was Miss Young who told me about theand fountains, and renamed it Gilmore’s Gardens.National Youth Theatre, which was anWhen Cornelius Vanderbilt bought the property inorganization I was unaware of. She suggested I