10. David's married Elizabeth? - No, I don't believe it! You are pulling

my ... .

A. leg B. toe C. mind D. hair

IV. Use the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets (1 pt).

Canning is a method of preserving food over extended periods of time.

The process involves (1. seal) ... food in containers and (2. heat)... it

in order to kill bacteria that could eventually cause spoilage. While most

canned food is produced by commercial companies, some (3. do) ... at


Homegrown fruits and vegetables such as apples and tomatoes are the

most popular foods (4. can)... . Even certain kinds of meat are suitable

for canning. However, it is not advisable to heat produce such as avocados

because of the changes in taste and texture that (5. occur) ... . Other

foods, including cucumbers and peppers, can (6. can) ... only if they (7.

first pickle) ... and then cooked at very low temperatures.

Properly canned food can be saved for as long as three years. If (8. not

seal/ properly) ..., the food can be spoiled by the growth of organism. In

severe cases, bacteria can cause a fatal form of poisoning (9. call) ...

botulism. For this reason, it is very important to check the seal of the jar or

bottle regularly to make sure it (10. remain) ... undisturbed.

V. Choose the best answer to complete the following passage. (1 pt)

The tourist industry is considered to be the world's largest industry.

Before 1950 about one million people (1) ... abroad each year

(2)... by the 1990s the figure had (3) ... to over 400 million every


(4) ...large numbers of tourists, however, are beginning to cause

problems. For example, in the Alps the skiers are destroying the mountains

(5) ... came to enjoy. Even parts of Mount Everest in the Himalayas are

reported to be covered (6) ... old tins, tents and food that have been

(7) ... away.

But at a time when we have greater freedom to travel (8) ... ever

before, more and more people are asking how they can enjoy their holiday

(9) ... causing problems by spoiling the countryside.

Now there is a new holiday guide called Holiday Don't Cost the Earth. It

(10) ... you how you can help the tourist industry by asking your travel

agent or your tour operator the right questions before you go on holiday.