Questions 41-50: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow by circling the corresponding letter

(A, B, C, D) of the correct answers. Mark your choice on the answer sheet*

A tree planting campaign is always a good start to a greening program because the effects are immediate. As far

as possible, use local species and avoid planting in neat rows. In nature, a variety of plants grow at random. Try to

get this effect so that the mini-forests in the school compound will attract local animal life.

Many rainforest trees grow quickly and become tall, so select the trees carefully for each location. You may need

to get professional assistance, perhaps from the local Forestry Department, to identify the most suitable species.

Your school gardener will also be able to help in the practical aspects like planting techniques. Seedlings can be

obtained free or at a discounted price from the local Forestry Department.

Trees not only beautify the surroundings but also purify the air and increase the oxygen level, provide shade,

screen out ultraviolet rays, block off unpleasant areas, and provide food and shelter for birds and other animals.

Often, we can plant trees to solve problems. For example, trees can be used to reduce noise, control pollution and

act as wind breakers.

41. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Local Forestry Department

B. Trees planting techniques

C. Advantages of planting trees

D. Planting trees movement

42. Which way of planting trees can attract local animals life?

A. planting trees in neat rows

B. planting trees as they grow in nature

C. planting trees in mini-forests

D. planting trees in the rainforests

43. What will the school gardener help you?

A. He will water your plants

B. He will give you free seedlings

C. He will help you with planting techniques

D. He will plant trees for you

44. What are the advantages of planting trees? Trees can be used to_______

A. purify the air and increase the oxygen level

B. provide shade, screen out ultraviolet rays, block off unpleasant areas

C. provide food and shelter for birds and other animals

D. All A, B, andC

45. What does the words "species" in the passage mean?

A. animals

B. plants

C. people

D. animals and plants

46. What does the word "beautify" in the passage mean?

A. to make trees beautiful

B. to make the surroundings beautiful

C. to make the water clean

D. to make the air clean

47. What problems can we solve by planting trees?

A. noise

B. pollution

C. strong wind

D. All A, B and C