10. A. for Nuria to be B. as Nuria couldn't avoid C. which Nuria had been D. when Nuria was C. Reading comprehension 3: (0,1 x 20 = 2m) Choose the suitable word for each blank: TARKA THE ACTOR (1)____ an otter to be a film star was the (2)_____ (3)_____ producer-director David Cobham when he embarked on bringing Henry Williamson's classic novel Tarka the Otter to the (4)____. The main Tarka role (5)______a hand-reared otter called Spade. Spade was born in Suffolk and (6)______ the age of three months was taken over by his permanent handler, Peter Talbot Spade was "imprinted" on Peter - (7)______, the otter came to (8)__ a parent and wherever Peter went, Spade followed. This meant that the animal (9)______ work loose in rivers and along banks with no fear that he would abscond, (10)______ 0sla, the young female who played Whitetip. Osla, an orphan cub from the Shetlands (11)____ mother ; had been (12)______ by a car, was not so tame and a big enclosure (13)______ built for her scenes. Animals (14)_____ to act, but they can be made (15)____ When David Cobham wanted shots of Tarka (16)_____ the river bank and then pausing, (17)______ sniffing something. Spade (18)_____ taken to the scene in a box that could be opened by a (19)_____. When a cameras were ready, the box would be opened, Peter would call and (20)_____.