36. Jack London, that was known for his stories of Alaska, lived there during the Klondike gold rush. A. that B. for his stories C. lived D. during VIII. Read the following passgae and mark the letter (A,B, C or D) to indicate the correct answer to each of the question. PLANET EARTH The planet Earth is 4,600 milion years old. It is diffcult for us to think about such an enormous length of time because it has littele meaning for us. We vsn, however, simplify the idea to make it more understandable. We can compare a Planet Earth to a person of forty-six yeas of age. Nothing is known about the first seven years of this person’s life. Very little information exists about the middle period either. It was only at the age of forty- two that the Earth began to flower. Dinosaurs and great reptile did not appear until one year ago, when the planet was forty-five. Mammals only arrived eight months ago. In the middle of last week, man-like apes became ape-like men and began to communicate with each other. Last weekend, the Ice Age covered the Earth. Modern man has only been around for four hours. During the last hour man discovered agriculture. The Industrial Revolution and the rise of large cities began just sixty seconds ago. During that short time, modern man has made a rubbish tip of the Earth. In on minutem he has increased his numbers to terrible proportions, and has caused the death of hundreds of species of animals. He has robbed and destroyed the planet in his search of fuels. Now he stands, like a violet, spoilt child, delighted at the speed of his rise to power, on the edge of the final mass destruction and of killing all the life which exists in the solar system.