2.3.3 Answer Validation

N ABBREVIATION KNOWNFOR RATE LENGTH MONEY Confidence in the correctness of an answer can be increased REASON DURATION PURPOSE in a number of ways. One way is to use a lexical resource like NOMINAL OTHER WordNet to validate that a candidate response was of the correct answer type. Also, specific knowledge sources can In the proceedings of TREC-8 [10], Moldovan et al. [8] also be used as a second opinion to check answers to questions proposed a hierarchical taxonomy (Table 2) that classified the within specific domains. This allows candidate answers to be question types into nine classes, each of which was divided sanity checked before being presented to a user. If a specific into a number of subclasses. These question classes and knowledge source has been used to actually retrieve the subclasses covered all the 200 questions in the corpus of answer, then general web search can also be used to sanity TREC-8. Table 2: Hierarchical Taxonomy (Moldovan et al., As a further step after setting the taxonomy, questions are TREC8) classified based on that taxonomy using two main approaches: rule-based classifiers and machine learning classifiers. Question class Question subclasses Answer Type basic-what Apparently, the rule-based classifier is a straightforward way Money / Number / what-who to classify a question according to a taxonomy using a set of WHAT Definition / Title / predefined heuristic rules. The rules could be just simple as, what-when NNP / Undefined for example, the questions starting with “Where” are what-where classified as of type LOCATION, etc. Many researchers WHO Person / adopted this approach due to its easiness and quickness such Organization basic-how Manner as Moldovan et al. [8], Hermjakob [18], as well as Radev et how-many Number al. [15] who used both approaches, the rule-based and how-long Time / Distance machine learning classifiers. how-much Money / Price In machine learning approach, a machine learning model is HOW how-much designed and trained on an annotated corpus composed of <modifier> Undefined labeled questions. The approach assumes that useful patterns how-far Distance for later classification will be automatically captured from the how-tall Number corpus. Therefore, in this approach, the choice of features (for how-rich Undefined representing questions) and classifiers (for automatically how-large Number classifying questions into one or several classes of the WHERE Location taxonomy) are very important. Features may vary from simple surface of word or morphological ones to detailed syntactic WHEN Date and semantic features using linguistics analysis. Hermjakob which-who Person [18] used machine learning based parsing and question which-where Location WHICH classification for question-answering. Zhang and Lee [19] which-when Date compared various choices for machine learning classifiers which-what NNP / using the hierarchical taxonomy proposed by Li and Roth name-who Person / [17], such as: Support Vector Machines (SVM), Nearest NAME Neighbors (NN), Nạve Bayes (NB), Decision Trees (DT), name-where Location and Sparse Network of Winnows (SNoW). name-what Title / NNP  Information Retrieval: WHY Reason WHOM Person / Stoyanchev et al. [6] presented a document retrieval Harabagiu et al. [16] used a taxonomy in which some experiment on a question answering system, and evaluated the categories were connected to several word classes in the use of named entities and of noun, verb, and prepositional WordNet ontology. More recently, in the proceedings of phrases as exact match phrases in a document retrieval query. TREC-10 [10], Li and Roth [17] proposed a two-layered Gaizauskas and Humphreys [20] described an approach to taxonomy, shown in Table 3, which had six super (coarse) question answering that was based on linking an IR system classes and fifty fine classes. with an NLP system that performed reasonably thorough linguistic analysis. While Kangavari et al. [21] presented a Table 3: Hierarchical Taxonomy (Li & Roth, TREC-10) simple approach to improve the accuracy of a question ABBREVIATION Letter Description NUMERIC answering system using a knowledge database to directly Abbreviation Other Manner Code return the same answer for a question that was previously submitted to the QA system, and whose answer has been Expression Plant Reason Count previously validated by the user. ENTITY Product HUMAN Date Animal Religion Group Distance  Answer Extraction: Body Sport Individual Money Ravichandran and Hovy [22] presented a model for finding Color Substance Title Order answers by exploiting surface text information using manually constructed surface patterns. In order to enhance the Creative Symbol Description Other poor recall of the manual hand-crafting patterns, many Currency Technique LOCATION Period researchers acquired text patterns automatically such as Xu et disease medicine Term City Percent al. [23]. Also, Peng et al. [24] presented an approach to Event Vehicle Country Size capture long-distance dependencies by using linguistic Food Word Mountain Speed structures to enhance patterns. Instead of exploiting surface Instrument DESC Other Temp text information using patterns, many other researchers such as Lee et al. [25] employed the named-entity approach to find Language Definition State Weight an answer. Tables (4) and (5) show a comparative summary between the covered by each of the aforementioned researches, while aforementioned researches with respect to the QA (Table 5) shows the approaches that were utilized by each components and the QA approaches, respectively. (Table 4) research within every component. illustrates the different QA system components that were Table 4: The QA components covered by QA research Question Processing Document Processing Answer Processing QA Components QA Research Question Analysis Question Classification Question Reformulation Information Retrieval Paragraph Filtering Paragraph Ordering Answer Identification Answer Extraction Answer Validation Gaizauskas & Humphreys (QA-LaSIE) [20]         Harabagiu et al. (FALCON) [16]         Hermjakob et al. [18]         Kangavari et al. [21]         Lee et al. (ASQA) [25]         Li & Roth [17]         Moldovan et al. (LASSO) [8]         Peng et al. [24]         Radev et al. (NSIR) [15]         Ravichandran & Hovy [22]         Stoyanchev et al. (StoQA) [6]         Xu et al. [23]         Zhang & Lee [19]         Table 5: The QA approaches exploited by QA research Question Classification Information Retrieval Answer Extraction QA Approaches Flat Taxonomy Hierarchical Taxonomy Rule-based Classifier Machine Learning Web Corpus Knowledge- base Corpus Text Patterns Named EntityGaizauskas & Humphreys (QA-LaSIE) [20]        Harabagiu et al. (FALCON) [16]        Hermjakob et al. [18]        Kangavari et al. [21]        Lee et al. (ASQA) [25]        Li & Roth [17]        Moldovan et al. (LASSO) [8]        Peng et al. [24]        Radev et al. (NSIR) [15]        Ravichandran & Hovy [22]        Stoyanchev et al. (StoQA) [6]        Xu et al. [23]        Zhang & Lee [19]        