6. Conjunctions

Conjunctions are words used to link words, phrases or clauses. Some common

conjunctions are and, but and or.

Conjunctions linking words

- Use and to link words that are similar.

We buy fruit and vegetables at the grocery store.

The President visit towns and cities across the country.

- Use but to link words that are different and do not normally go together. He works

quickly but neatly.

The teacher is firm but fair with children.

- Use or to talk about choices.

You can have a soda or lemonade.

Who’s cooking dinner, Mum or Dad?

Conjunction And

- After a verb we usually put and between the last two nouns, adjectives or verbs in

a list and commas (,) between the other things.

I like horses, cows, dogs and cats.

- And is less common with adjectives before a noun. We normally just use a


a big, yellow fish

- When we use and we often miss out words instead or repeating them.

Nicole goes shopping and swimming at the weekend, (not Nicole goes shopping and

she goes swimming at the weekend).

Exercise: Here are some errors that candidate have made with and in the KET

exam. Correct the sentences.