65. A. desire B. request C. want D. demandA. Cloze Text 1: Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word (15m)FILM MUSICIn the early days of the cinema, before sound was introduced, silent films were (66) ... by a pianist, or even a small orchestra playing in the cinema itself. One reason for this was to (67) ... up the noise of the projector. However, a more important role was to provide (68) ... for what was going on in the film, and (69) ... the audience through the story. Different kinds of music were (70) ... with different situations, such as fights, chases, romantic scenes and so on. Music is also used to identify the geographical location or historical settings of the story. In (71) ... individual characters often had their own tune, which could also (72) ... what sort of person they were. Music (73)... something extra to what was happening on the flat screen. It could create atmosphere and (74) ...the involvement of the audience, one moment encouraging them to relax, the next developing a (75) ... of tension. And all this was done without any words being spoken. Audiences at that (76) ... would have been (77) ... with the musical language connected with the traditions of popular theatre, and many of these were (78) ...to the new medium of the cinema. Today (79) ... the films produced may be technically very different from before, much of the musical history still (80)...