40. You / find / much / possible / job / vacancy.

A. You should find as much as possible about the job and the vacancy.

B. You should find out much possible about the job and the vacancy.

C. You should find out as much as possible about the job and the vacancy.

D. You should find out much as possible about the job and the vacancy

Read the passage below and choose the best answer ( A, B, C or D ) to each question.

The habits of those who constantly play video games are very important to people working in

video-game industry. If video games are going to one of the most attractive features of future


systems, it is essential for producers to know what types of games to make, how best to present such

games on interactive video, and how to ensure that such games maintain their fascination for people.

Above all, it is vital to build up detailed profiles of people who are addicted to video games.

Until recently, the chief market for video games has been boys aged eight to fifteen. The

fascination for interactive video games is seen in its purest form in this group. Video games appeal to

some deep instinct in boys who find it impossible to tear themselves from them. Schoolwork is


health is damaged and even eating habits are affected. Girls of the same age, however, are entirely

different, demonstrating far greater freedom from the hold of video games. Quite simply, they can take

video games in their strike, being able to play them when they want and then leave them alone.