7. 8. 9. 10. 7. 8. 9. 10.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.Question 3: Read the passage and fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in brackets (2 points).Nearly all the (1.discover) ________ that have been made through the ages can be found in books. The (2.invent) ________ of the book is one of the human kind's greatest (3.achieve) ________, the importance of which can't be underestimated. Books are very adaptable, providing us with both (4.entertain) ________ and information. The (5.produce) ________ of books began in ancient Egypt, though not in a form that is (6.recognise) ________ to us today. The books read by the Romans, however, have some (7.similar) ________ to the ones we read now. Until the middle of the 15


century in Europe, all books were written by hand. They were often beautifully illustrated and always rare and (8.expense) ________. With printing came the (9.possible) ________ of cheap, large-scale publication and distribution of books, making (10.know) ________ more widespread and accessible.Your answers: