55. A. practice B. operate C. order D. performRead the following passage and mark the letter A, B , C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 56 to 65.Baseball evolved from a number of different ball-and stick games (paddle ball, trap ball,one-old-cat, rounders, and town ball) originating in England. As early as the AmericanRevolution., it was noted that troops played “ baseball” in their free time. In 1845 AlexanderCartwright formalized the New York Knickerbockers’ version of the game : a diamond shapedinfield, with bases ninety feet apart, three strikers – you’re – out , batter out on a caught ball ,three outs per inning , a nine man team. “ The New York Game” spread rapidly , replacingearlier localized forms. From its beginnings, baseball was seen as a way of satisfying therecreational needs of an increasingly urban – industrial society. At its inception it was it wasplayed by and for gentlement. A club might consists of 40 members. The president wouldappoint two captains who would choose teams from among the members . Games were playedon Monday and Thursday afternoons, with the losers often providing a lavish evening’sentertainments for the winners During the 1850- 70 period the game was changing, however, with increasingcommercialism (charging admission), under – the – table payments to exceptional to players, andgambling on the outcome of games. By 1868 it was said that a club would have their regularprofessional ten , an amateur first - nine , and their” muffins “ (the gentlemently duffers whoonce ran the game) . Beginning with the first openly all – salaried team (Cincinnati’s RedStocking Club) in 1869, the 1870- 1890 period saw the complete professionalization of baseball ,including formation of the National Association of Professional baseball players in 1871. TheNational League of Professional Baseball Clubs was formed in 1876, run by business-mindedinvertors in joint-stock company clubs. The 1880s has been called Major League Baseball’s “Golden Age”. Profits soared, player’s salaries rose somewhat, a season of 84 games became oneof 132, a weekly periodical “ The sporting News” came into being, wooden stadiums withdouble-deck stands replaced open fields, and the standard refreshment became hot dogs, sodapop and peanuts. In 1900 the Western League based in the growing cities of the Mis westproclaimed itself the American League