5.How are the hotels there?

A.Hotels are very cheap in Mexico.

B.The hotels aren't comfortable there.

C.Hotels are all poor in Mexico.

D.Hotels are very expensive in Mexico.

V.Choose true, false or no information

Television is a product that was invented in 1926 and has been developed over

many years and it still continues to be developed. The television was one of many

great inventions in the 20th century. The television is an extremely popular

product. Over the years many people have bought the television. Now, there are

over 15,000 T.V channels in the world. It is clear that the television is a popular

product but it is also bad for your sight. People spend almost 4-8 hours in front of

a screen (about a sixth to a third of a day). This results in less time to be physically

active, spending time with family, doing homework to the best of their ability and

reading. This is bad as reading has been proved to affect how smart you are. Also

there are many inappropriate television shows that "hypnotize" children into

thinking that something wrong is right or something bad is good. On the other

hand, some may argue that television can be good for your education as some

television programs are documentaries, contain historical facts and help children

stay up to date with the world around them (the news). I think that the television

can be good for you if you can control how long you are on it and you watch the

right types of programs however, even if you do watch good programs, it will still

have an effect on your health and sight.

1……...TV was invented in the 20th century.

2………People spend about a sixth to a third of a day watching TV.

3………The writer thinks that TV is not good for you.

4………There are more than 15,000 TV channels in the world.

5………TV is unpopular product.

6……… Television can be good for your education

7……… There aren’t many inappropriate television shows for children

8………You shouldn’t spend a lot of time watching TV.

9……….TV is good for you If you can control yourself.

10……..TV isn’t addictive .

Answer key

I.1B 2B 3A 4C 5C

II. 1 C 2A 3B 4B 5D

III. 1A 2B 3A 4B 5A 6B 7C 8C 9A 10B 11A 12D 13B 14D 15B

IV 1A 2A

3C 4B 5D

V. 1T 2T 3F 4T 5F 6T 7F 8T 9T 10F