2. are / 5 / There / qualities / true / friendship / for.


III- Read the passage carefully and decide whether the statements are true (T) or

false (F)or impossible to know (IK)- (Đọc cẩn thận đoạn văn rồi quyết định các ý sau

đây đúng(T), sai (F) hoặc không biết (IK) - 2 đ

When I was a student, I had a summer job in an expensive restaurant in Glasgow. One

day we were expecting forty members of a football team for lunch. I was given the job of

peeling potatoes. I thought I was managing quite well with my small knife until the

owner appeared to see how I was getting on. She was amazed that I was using a knife and

asked why I wasn’t using the potato peeler. I had no idea what a potato peeler was so she

led me into a small room behind the main kitchen. There, on the table, was a small

machine like the rubbish bins some people have in their bathrooms. She explained as if to

a small child that I had to put the potatoes in, close the lid and press the button. When she

came back ten minutes later, I told her I thought it was quicker to do it by hand. She

asked what I meant, “Well, they aren’t ready yet,” I replied. You can imagine how I felt

when she lifted the lid and took out the potatoes the size of peas. The potato peeler was

not automatic.