5. Remember ...John a present. Today is his birthday.

A. send B. to send C. sent D. sending

PHẦN C: ĐỌC HIỂU( 3.0 điểm )

I. Đọc và chọn một từ thích hợp đã cho trong khung điền vào mỗi chổ trống để hoàn thành

đoạn văn sau.

device millions of software small

A computer is an electronic ___(1)___, which executes software programs. It consists

__(2)__ two parts: hardware and __(3)__ . The computer processes input through input devices

like mouse and keyboard. The computer displays output through output devices like color monitor

and printer. The size of a computer varies considerably from very __(4)__ to very big. The speed

of computers also has a very large range. Computers have become indispensable in today’s world.

__(5)___ of people use computers all over the world.

II. Chọn một đáp án trong số A, B, C hoặc D điền vào mỗi chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn

văn sau.

In many Western countries, people (1) ……. Halloween on October 31. The word

Halloween (2) …….. from All Hallows- Eve". It is the night before All Saints- Day, a religious

holiday in some parts of the world. On this night, children dress up in special costumes, put (3)

……….. masks , and go door to door saying -trick-or-treat" to get candy. Many people

decorate their homes with paper ghosts, black cats or witches to give their houses a (4)

……….. look. People also decorate their homes with jack-o-lanterns. They carve scary faces

on pumpkins, and (5) ……….. candles inside the pumpkins. In some places, both children and

adults can make tours of haunted houses. They all seem very excited about the festival.