15. Would you like some entertainment ?

I wouldn t mind having...

a little b a little c a few d few

Question V :

a- Fill in each blank nith one suitable word :

Zamenhof invented

Zamenhof invented a new language (1)...Esperanto to improve understanding between (2)...of different countries. He showed

Esperanto to (3)...friends to find out (4)...they thought about it. (5)...in the same year he went to study (6)...a university in

Moscow. He wanted (7)...improve Esperanto. Zamenhof s friends then worked hard to spread (8)...new language. They tried to

persuade schools throughout the world to teach it. However, only a (9)...people today speak Esperanto because more and more people use

(10)...as a foreign language.

b - Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question

A geyser is the result of underground water under the combined conditions of high temperatures and increased pressure beneath the surface of

the each. Since temperatue rises approximately one degree F for every sixty feet under the earth s surface, and pressure increases with depth,

water that seeps down in crachs and fissures until it reaches very hot rocks in the earth s interior becomes heated to a temperatue in excess of

290 degrees F. Because of the gressure, it shoots out of the surface in the form of steam and hot water. The result is a geyser.

For the most part, geysers are located in three regions of the world : New Zealend, Iceland, and the Yellowstone National Park area of the

United States. The most famous geyser in the world is Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park. Old Faithful erupts almost every hour, rising to a height

of 125 to 170 feet and expelling more then ten thousand gallons during each eruption