105, 189PRIVATUS 117ST PETROC, RELICS OF 4±5, 51±2, 63±4, 76, 96AL...

72, 105, 189

Privatus 117

St Petroc, relics of 4±5, 51±2, 63±4, 76, 96

Alan his son 106, 114, 152, 168, 174;

see also

Guingamp, PenthieÁvre

Saint-Pierre de RilleÂ, abbey 64, 77n, 150, 159

TreÂguier, diocese 13, 72

Saint-Pol de LeÂon, diocese 68, 71, 120

bishops, Hamo (c. 1150±71) 69, 121; Guy II

Bishop Geoffrey (1179±c. 1216) 118, 120±1

Twins, Alan and Richard of Moulton, the 96,

(¯. 1179) 68n, 118, 121; Ivo (c. 1180±6)