1895, just two weeks before his death·, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who hadmade worthwhile contributions to humanity. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics, chemistry,medicine, and peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first awards ceremony.Nobel's original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for the awardswhich vary from $30,000 to $125,000.Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death, the awards (gold medal, illuminateddiploma, and money) are presented to the winners. Sometimes politics plays an important role in the judges'decisions. Americans have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes.No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War 11. Some people have won twoprizes, but this is rare; others have shared their prizes.Question 36:The word "foresaw" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ...A. prevailed B. postponed C. prevented D. predictedQuestion 37:The Nobel prize was established in order to ...A recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity B. resolve political differencesC. honor the inventor of dynamite D. spend moneyQuestion 38:In which area have Americans received the most awards?A Literature B. Peace C. Economics D. ScienceQuestion 39:All of the following statements are true EXCEPTA. Awards vary in monetary valueB. ceremonies are held on December 10 to commemorate Nobel's inventionC. Politics plays an important role in selecting the winnersD. A few individuals have won two awardsQuestion 40:In how many fields are prizes bestowed?A. 2 B. 5 C.6 D. 10Question 41: How much money did Nobel leaves for the prizes?A. $30,000 B. $125,000 C. $155,000 D. $9,000,000Question 42:What is the main idea of this passage?A. Alfred Nobel became very rich when he invented dynamite.B. Alfred Nobel created awards in six categories for contributions to humanity.C. Alfred Nobel left all of his money to scienceD. Alfred Nobel made a lasting contribution to humanityRead the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet to indicate the correctanswer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.The sauce that is today called ketchup (or catsup) in Western cultures is a tomato-based sauce that isquite distinct from Eastern ancestors of this product. A sauce called ke-tiap was in use in China at least as earlyas 17


century, but the Chinese version of the sauce was made of picked fish, shellfish and spices. Thepopularity of this Chinese sauce spread to Singapore and Malaysia, where it was called ketchap. The Indonesianketjab derives its name from the same source as the Malaysian sauce but is made from very different ingredients.The Indonesian ketjab is made by cooking black soy beans, fermenting them, placing them in a salt brine for atleast a week, cooking the resulting solution further and sweetening it heavily; this process results in a dark,thick and sweet variation of soy sauce.Early in the 18


century, sailors from the British Navy came across this exotic sauce on voyages toMalaysia and Singapore and brought samples of it back to England on return voyages. English chefs tried torecreate the sauce but were unable to do exactly because key ingredients were unknown or unavailable inEngland. They ended up substituting ingredients such as mushrooms and walnuts in an attempt to recreate thespecial taste of the original Asian sauce. Variations of this sauce became quite the rage in the 18


century inEngland, appearing in a number of recipe books and features as an exotic addition to menus from that period.The English version did not contain tomatoes and it was not until the end of the 18


century that tomatoesbecame a main ingredient of the newly created ketchup in the USA. It is quite notable that tomatoes were addedto the sauce and that tomatoes had previously been considered quite dangerous to health. The tomato had beencultivated by the Aztecs, who had called it tomatl ; however, early botanists had recognized that the tomato wasa member of the Solanacaea family, which does include a number of poisonous plants. The leaves of the tomatoplant are poisonous, though of course, the fruit is not.Thomas Jefferson, who cultivated the tomato in his garden and served dishes containing tomatoes atlavish feasts, often receives credit for changing the reputation of the tomato. Soon after Jefferson introduced thetomato with the equal and exotic sauce known as ketchap began to appear. By the middle of the 19


century,both the tomato and tomato ketchup were staples of the American kitchen.Tomato ketchup, popular though it was, was quite time-consuming to prepare. In 1876, the first mass-produced tomato ketchup, a product of German-American Henry Heizn, went on sale and achieved immediatesuccess. From tomato ketchup, Heizn branched out into a number of other products, including various sauces,pickles and relishes.Question 43. It is not stated in paragraph 1 that ______A. The Chinese sauce was in existence in the 17


century.B. The Malaysian sauce was similar to the Chinese sauce.C. The Indonesian sauce was similar to the Chinese sauce.D. The Chinese sauce was made from seafood and spices.Question 44.The word “it“ in paragraph 1 refers to ______.A. a salt brine B. a week C. this process D. the resulting solutionQuestion 45.What ingredient is NOT used to make the Indonesian sauce?A. soy beans B. sugar C. salt D. mushroomsQuestion 46. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that mushrooms and walnuts were ...A. difficult to find in England B. not part of the original Asian recipeC. not native to England D. transported to England from AsiaQuestion 47.The phrase “became quite the rage”in paragraph 2 means ...A. became popular B. became strange C. became an anger D. became a protestQuestion 48. The author mentions the English version at the beginning of the third paragraph in orderto ...A. indicate what will be discussed in the coming paragraph.B. explain why tomatoes were dangerous.C. make a reference to the topic of the previous paragraph.D. provide an example of a sauce using tomatoes.Question 49.According to paragraph 3, the tomato plant ...A. was considered poisonous by the Aztecs B. is related to some poisonous plantsC. has edible leaves D. has fruit that is sometimes poisonousQuestion 50. Where in paragraph 4 can the following sentence be? “It turned from very bad to exceedinglygood.”A. at the beginning of paragraph 4 B. before the sentence “Soon after Jefferson…”C. before the sentence “By the middle …” D. at the end of paragraph 4SỞ GD & ĐT YÊN BÁI