22. Choose the answer A, B, or C that

best suits the meaning of the italicized word(s).

A. lastly

B. late

C. worst

D. weakly

VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or

phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

The International Space Station (ISS) is a large spacecraft which was launched in 1998. It orbits the Earth

and is the place where astronauts live and conduct research in a microgravity (23)…..

Below is about the day in the life of an astronaut aboard the International Space Station.Astronauts

sleep in sleeping bags. The microgravity makes them (24)…… . They have to attach themselves so they

don’t float about.

Hair is washed with a “rinseless” shampoo that does not need water. For toothbrushing, a small

amount of water is used with toothpaste and then swallowed.

The crew spend their day doing science experiments. They also carry out checks for the maintenance

of the station. The Mission Control Centre on Earth warns their operations.

The astronauts eat various foods (25)……fruits, nuts, chicken, beef, seafood, brownies, salt and

pepper (in liquid forms), etc. Drinks include coffee, tea, and fruits juice (all packaged). Foods can be heated

up or kept cool with special machines.

A popular pastime while orbiting Earth is (26)……looking out of the windows to admire its beauty.

In their free time, astronauts exercise, watch movies, play music, read books, play cards, and talk to their


How are astronauts trained? Anyone can apply to train as an astronaut as long as they have a

bachelor’s degree in science, mathematics or engineering, experience as a jet pilot, and are in good health If

they get accepted, there are several phases of training. The first phase requires them to pass a swimming test

in a flight suit. They take parabolic flights that produce weightlessness. They also learn about various

spaceship systems. In the second phase, they are trained to operate spacecraft systems and deal with

emergencies. The training often (27)……in a water tank laboratory so that trainees become familiar with

crew activities in simulated microgravity in order to perform spacewalks.