000 KILOMETERS LIVE FOR ___________ AND HAS ______ CHILDREN AND 79...

22,000 kilometers Live for ___________ and has ______ children and 79 years_______grandchildren Has ____ chance of remaining married to the same for the rest of 4his/her life2000

Spoken and Written English

To intend to → to have intention to do st Look at → to have a look atTo desire to → to have a desire to do stThink about/ of → to give thought to stTo be determined to → to have a determination to doTo wish → to have/ express a wishTo know about → to have knowledge ofTo discuss st → to have a discussion about stTo visit sb → to pay a visit to sbTo agree → to be in agreementTo disagree → to be in disagreementTo pay sb a vistTo decide to do st → to make a decision to doTo contact sb → to have contact with sbTo exchange → to have an exchange ofTa talk to → to have a talk with sbTo explain st → to have explanation for stTo argue with → to have an argument with sb To call sb → to give sb a call To be interested in→ to have interest inTo complain about → to make a complaint aboutTo receive st → to be in receipt of stTo drink → to have a drinkTo land → to make landingTo photograph → to take photograph/ to have a photograph of To need → to have need ofTo be in need ofTo cry → to give a cryTo love → to fall in love with sbTo laugh at → to give a laugh at/ make fun of To brush st → to give st a brushTo welcome sb → to give sb a welcomeTo kiss sb → to give sb a kissTo arrange with sb→ to have an arrangement with sbTo tend to → to have tendency to do To ring sb → to give sb a ringTo examine → to have/take/sit an examinationTo warn → to give warningTo try to do st → to make an effort to do stTo sack → to give sb a sackTo make an attempt to do st To sleep → to have a sleepTo bathe → to have/take a bathTo meet sb → to have a meeting with sbTo succeed → to make a successTo be used → to be in useTo rest → to take/ have a rest