10. Your brother (A) hardly goes (B) to work by (C) bus, doesn’t he (D)?

Your answers:

(1) ……….. (2) ……… (3) ………

(4) ………. (5) ………. (6) ……….

(7) ……… (8) ……… (9) ……….

(10) ………



Read the text below and decided which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. (15m)

In the spring of 1891, a young Canadian named James Naismith (1) …… the staff of

the International YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts, where he was

instructed to devise an (2) ……. game that did not (3) ……… bodily contact, would not (4)

………… in damage to the gym and which every player had a (5) ……….. to get in on the

action. The game he invented was basketball – or basket ball as it was (6) ………… until

about 1912. Naismith hung peach baskets at (7) ……….. end of the gym and used a soccer

ball to play with. The first game, in December 1891, was played (8) …… two team of mine

men each and was not exactly a classic. He final (9) ………… was 1-0. (10) ………an off-

season recreation, basketball took (11) ………. in a big way, largely because it was cheap

and easy to (12) ……… up. Oddly, although peach baskets were soon (13) ……… by nets,

until 1912 it didn’t (14) ……….. to anyone to cut a hole in the bottom of them. Until then it

was necessary (15) ……… someone to climb a ladder and retrieve the ball after each score.

(1) ……….. 1. A. enroll B. joined C. entered D. became

(2) ... 2. A. inside B. internal C. indoor D. interior

(3) ... 3. A. contain B. consist C. belong D. involve

(4) ………. 4. A. cause B. result C. end D. lead

(5) ………. 5. A. chance B. possibility C. challenge D. part

(6) ………. 6. A. named B. spoken C. called D. referred

(7) ……….. 7. A. opposite B. both C. either D. double

(8) ……….. 8. A. against B. among C. from D. between

(9) ……….. 9. A. goal B. score C. shot D. point

(10) ……… 10. A. As B. Such C. Like D. Yet

(11) ……… 11. A. up B. off C. out D. in

(12) ……….12. A. get B. play C. get D. do

(13) ……….13. A. replaced B. swapped C. exchanged D. removed

(14) ………. 14. A. think B. realize C. suggest D. occur

(15) ………. 15. A. that B. so C. for D. even


Complete the text with suitable words, using the word of your own. (25m)

When I was sixteen I_______ (1) to school and went to work in a butcher’s shop. The

manager was a young man, only a ___________ (2) years older ___________ (3) me, and

he was very ambitious. Also, he was a___________ (4) bit dishonest. When the customers

asked________ (5) best steak he would sell them poor-quality beef. He used to do this to

young housewives, who if the meat __________ (6), blamed_______ (7) for not cooking it

properly. Sometimes, he did not give the _____ (8) change and the customers did not notice.

One day, _____________ (9) before Christmas, we decided to close early because we

__________ (10) sold all our meat, except for one small turkey. As I was ____________

(11) to lock the door, a woman rushed in and said that she really had __________ (12) have

a ten- pound turkey. The manager tried to sell her the _________ (13) one we had left. “It’s

too small”, she said. The manager said he________ (14) get another one and went to the

back of the shop with the turkey. I knew we did not have_______ (15) more, so I followed

him to see___________ (26) he was going to do. He pulled and stretched the turkey to

_______ (17) it look bigger and then went back __________ (18) said,” Here_________

(19) are, madam. Here is a bigger one” “Yes”, she said, “but not __________ (20) bigger.

I’ll take both of them”.


Choose the best heading for each paragraph in the article. Choose A, B, or C. (10m)