4. Why was the mobile system upgraded?

a.because Vietnam has been developing. b.because of the growth in customer demand

c.to develop the mobile system . d.because the price of several services has been reduced.


Read the passage and then do exercises below.

When I was in Scotland last year, I visited a special Hydroelectric power station.It is inside a mountain.It rains a lot

in the mountains of Scotland and there are huge lakes high up.The water falls down through large pipes to a

generator in the power station.The energy of the moving water turns the generator and this produces electricity.A

big transformer. Then increases the number of volts to over 400,000.The electricity goes through cables to different

parts of Scotland, England and Wales.

The inside of the power station was very clean because it doesn’t burn coal or gas.it was also very quiet.I was very

surprised.It was just like being in a hospital, really.

I think hydroelectric power stations are much safer than nuclear power stations.They are also better for the earth

than coal or gas power stations.Some countries like Sweden and the Netherlands have said they aren’t going to build

any more nuclear power stations.They are going to try to make clean electricity using water or wind. I think we

should do the same and spend more money in building hydroelectric power stations.

I.Answer the following questions.(1.5m)