Câu 20: Television also interferes with family life and communication.

A. conflicts B. comes C. chats D. goes

Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to

indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

South Pole explorer Ernest Shackleton never reached his goal of crossing Antarctica, but the

circumstances that prevented him from reaching that goal pushed him to achieve an even more

amazing feat. In January 1915 Shackelton‟s ship Endurance became trapped in the ice of

Antarctica. He and his crew of twenty-seven lived on the ship trapped in the ice floes for nine

months, until they had to abandon the ship when the ice crushed it. The day the ship sank,

Shackleton wrote his new goal: “The task is to reach land with all members of the expedition.”

The group camped on the ice floes for six months, until the ice broke up and they took small

lifeboats to nearby uninhabited Elephant Island. During their time on the ship, ice, and island,

Shackleton‟s group endured temperatures as low as twenty degrees below zero and had no

daylight from May to July. They had to hunt scarce seals and penguins for food, and were

hunted themselves by killer whales and sea leopards, which would rise through the ice in

search of prey. Throughout this time, Shackleton demonstrated his leadership by rationing food,

rotating use of warmer sleeping bags, and keeping a calm, positive attitude that helped morale.

He also showed great courage as he and five of his men crossed eight hundred miles of

dangerous ocean to the nearest inhabited island to seek help. Despite no maps and terrible

weather, Shackeleton‟s small boat reached the island where Shackleton and an even smaller

group crossed unexplored, jagged mountains to reach a whaling station. He organized a rescue

party to retrieve the rest of his crew, and despite the perils of living in south polar waters for

almost two years, all twenty-seven men came back from the expedition. Shackleton never

crossed the South Pole, but he completed the task of bringing back all of his crew alive.