3. He set foot on the moon with Buzz Aldrinclass.- Introduce the lessons:- T introduce the lessonsToday we practise writing about Neil Armstrong.II. Before writing10’- T asks Ss to read about Put each of the headings in the box in the appropriateArmstrong’s biography. blankAfter reading it, Ss have to Career Place of birth Date of birthwork in groups of 4 to put Quote Known aseach of the heading in the Neil Armstrongbox in the appropriate blank.American Astronaut- T calls on 4 members of 4 (1) ______ 5


August 1930groups (chosen at random) to(2) ________ Wapokoneta, Ohiogo to the Bb to write down (3) _________ The first person to walk on the moontheir answer.(4) ________ 1949-1952: pilot in United States Navy- T correct with the whole (5) _______ “That’ s one small step for man, one giantclassleap for mankind”Keys:- T explains to Ss what