4. Finally, he would give as a final answer one

Type 3: Multiple events temporal questions with

of the answers to the first question (if there is

temporal expression. Questions that contain two or

any), whose associated date stays within the

more events, related by a temporal signal. This sig-

period of dates implied by the answer to the

nal establishes the order between the events in the

second question. That is, he would obtain

question. Moreover, there are one or more tempo-

the final answer by discarding all answers to

ral expressions in the question. These temporal ex-

the simple questions which do not accomplish

pressions need to be recognized, resolved and an-

the restrictions imposed by the temporal signal

notated, and they introduce temporal constraints to

provided by the original question (during).

the answers of the question. Example: “What did

George Bush do after the U.N. Security Council or-

Therefore, the treatment of complex question is

dered a global embargo on trade with Iraq in August

based on the decomposition of these questions into

90?” In this example, the temporal signal is after

simpler ones, to be resolved using conventional

and the temporal constraint is “between 8/1/1990

Question Answering systems. Answers to simple

and 8/31/1990”. This question can be divided into

questions are used to build the answer to the origi-

the following ones:

nal question.

This paper has been structured in the following

Q1: What did George Bush do?

fashion: first of all, section 2 presents our proposal

Q2: When the U.N. Security Council ordered

of a taxonomy for temporal questions. Section 3

a global embargo on trade with Iraq?

describes the general architecture of our temporal

Q.A. system. Section 4 deepens into the first part

Type 4: Multiple events temporal questions with-

of the system: the decomposition unit. Finally, the

out temporal expression. Questions that consist

evaluation of the decomposition unit and some con-

of two or more events, related by a temporal sig-

clusions are shown.

nal. This signal establishes the order between the

events in the question. Example: “What happened

2 Proposal of a Temporal Questions

to world oil prices after the Iraqi annexation of


Kuwait?”. In this example, the temporal signal is

Before explaining how to answer temporal ques-

after and the question would be decomposed into:

tions, it is necessary to classify them, since the

Q1: What happened to world oil prices?

way to solve them will be different in each case.

Our classification distinguishes first between simple

Q2: When did the Iraqi “annexation” of

questions and complex questions. We will consider

Kuwait occur?

as simple those questions that can be solved directly

How to process each type will be explained in de-

by a current General Purpose Question Answering

tail in the following sections.

system, since they are formed by a single event. On

the other hand, we will consider as complex those

3 Multi-layered Question-Answering

questions that are formed by more than one event

System Architecture

related by a temporal signal which establishes an

Current Question Answering system architectures

order relation between these events.

do not allow to process complex questions. That is,

Simple Temporal Questions:

questions whose answer needs to be gathered from

Type 1: Single event temporal questions without

pieces of factual information that is scattered in a

temporal expression (TE). This kind of questions

document or through different documents. In or-

are formed by a single event and can be directly

der to be able to process these complex questions,

resolved by a Q.A. System, without pre- or post-

we propose a multi-layered architecture. This ar-

processing them. There are not temporal expres-

chitecture increases the functionality of the current

sions in the question. Example: “When did Jordan

Question-Answering systems, allowing us to solve

close the port of Aqaba to Kuwait?”

any type of temporal questions. Moreover, this sys-

Type 2: Single event temporal questions with tem-

poral expression. There is a single event in the ques-

tem could be easily augmented with new layers to

cope with questions that need complex processing

The main advantages of performing this multi-

and are not temporal oriented.

layered system are:

Some examples of complex questions are:

It allows you to use any existing general Q.A.

system, with the only effort of adapting the

Temporal questions like “Where did Michael

Milken study before going to the University of

output of the processing layer to the type of

Pennsylvania?”. This kind of questions needs

input that the Q.A. system uses.

to use temporal information and event ordering

Due to the fact that the process of complex

to obtain the right answer.

questions is performed at an upper layer, it is

Script questions like “How do I assemble a bi-

not necessary to modify the Q.A. system when

cycle?”. In these questions, the final answer is

you want to deal with more complex questions.

a set of ordered answers.

Each additional processing layer is indepen-

dent from each other and only processes those

Template-based questions like “Which are the

main biographical data of Nelson Mandela?”.

questions within the type accepted by that

This question should be divided in a number of


factual questions asking for different aspects of

Nelson Mandela’s biography. Gathering their

Next, we present a layer oriented to process tem-

respective answers will make it possible to an-

poral questions according to the taxonomy shown in

swer the original question.