2, we’ll need to run sp_trace_setstatus(2,1).

Table 13.2 Status Parameters to Control Server-Side Traces

Status Description

0 Stop trace

1 Start trace

2 Close trace and remove trace definition

Finally, if you lose track of which traces are running on a server, run Select ∗ from

fn_trace_getinto(null) to return details of all traces. Remember that unless you’ve

disabled it there’s a default trace running at all times to populate the DMVs;

this will be TraceID 1.

Combining System

Monitor and Profiler Traces

First introduced to SQL Server 2005, this excellent feature of Profiler allows

Administrators to combine a System Monitor (Performance Monitor) trace with

a SQL Trace. This presents a single view of system resources (disk, memory, CPU)

hardware utilization. The red vertical bar allows administrators to jump to a particular

point (e.g., a CPU spike), and the profiler trace will identify the T-SQL running at

the moment of the spike.

Figure 13.5 Combining System

Monitor and Profiler Traces for a Single View

Replaying Traces

SQL Server provides the ability to replay traces; typical scenarios involve capturing

a trace from a production server and replaying the trace against a test or preproduc-

tion server. This can help when evaluating changes and also with some trouble-

shooting scenarios. Each statement captured in the trace will be replayed against the

target server; this can be helpful in verifying that a fix implemented on a test server

does resolve a problem.

There are a minimum set of events required for trace playback; alternately use

the Replay trace template. Not all servers can be traced and replayed; for example,

if the server is participating in Transactional Replication trace replay isn’t possible

because of the way transactional replication marks transactions in the log.

Head of the Class…

Working with SQL Trace Data

Capturing trace data on a busy server many generate many gigabytes of

data. Using a server-side trace to a file on a local disk will minimize the

tracing overhead. However, unless you’re looking for a specific event in

the trace, often the best way to manage the data is to load the trace data

from a flat file into a table. The following function will load trace data

from a file into a table:

SELECT * INTO srv1_trace FROM::fn_trace_gettable('c:\temp\trace1.trc', default)

Once the data is in a database, analysis with TSQL queries is much easier!

Using SQLDiag to

Collect Performance Data

SQLDiag is a command-line, data-collection utility first supplied with SQL Server

2005 that can useful for collecting performance data. SQLDiag collects the


Windows Event Logs

SQL Server Configuration details

System Monitor Performance logs

SQL Server Profiler Trace data

SQL Server blocking information

Essentially, SQLDiag doesn’t do anything that couldn’t be achieved separately—

each of these tools could be run independently, however SQLDiag it makes it easier

to start and stop data collection and ensures all relevant information is collected

each time data capture is run.

R T Sql P

This exercise will demonstrate running a trace with sql Profiler. initially,

you’ll get started with a basic trace using sql Profiler: