1952, he worked as a pilot in the United States Navy.Armstrong received his BS from Purdue University in 1955.the mistakes and corrects He joined the NASA astronaut program in 1962. on Julythem.20


, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to step- T gives out some common on the moon's surface. Armstrong received his M.S frommistakes made by Ss when the University of Southern California in 1970. He resigneddoing this writing task.from NASA a year later and from 1971 to 1979, he taught atthe University of Cincinnati. In 1986 Armstrong wasappointed vice chairman of the committee that investigatedthe Challenger shuttle disaster. He is also well-known forwhat he said when he stepped on the moon surface: "That'sone small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.IV/ HOME WORK:-Asking Ss reread the passage they wrote And review the use of relative pronouns and prepare the language Preparation: Language focus- Could/ be able to- Tag questions